So with it being my first child's first birthday, I am trying really hard to make it special! And what does a crafty Mom do? She makes crafty things for birthday parties, I suppose!
I decided that I would make a banner for Brooke that simply says her name. This way we can use it in her room or at each birthday or where ever we want!

I started by measuring out the ribbon to the length that I wanted it...I just used my picture frames to hold it there! Then I cut the little pennants and attached them on to the ribbon with office binder clips so I could get the rigth spacing!
Close up of those binder clips! Good think I love office supplies!

Then I cut the other pieces for the pennant that attached them with the binder clip as well. I hand cut the scallop and used my Cricut (Mickey Mouse font) to cut out the letters. I did all of the layer in felt except the letters are just in cardstock. I figured that the letters will look a lot better than if I were to trace around the CS version and hand cut them out.

Here is a close up of one of the pennants! Her theme this year is pink, brown, green and white polka dots!! When it was all assembled with binder clips, I used my hot glue gun to glue it all together! Fast and easy! Here's a tip also...if you have a lot of hot glue strings when you are done, take you embossing gum or a hair dryer and run it over them...they disappear! WOO HOO!

I then added a few other ribbons to the ends and there you have it! And I'm still using the picture frames to hold it up there! And I have since cleaned my fireplace...those tiles are dirty!! Hope you enjoy the banner!
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