My favorite man hasn't made it home yet. :(

His group was supposed to fly in yesterday (Sunday) around 5pm. Well they got to NJ (from Scotland) and then learned that their flight from NJ (close to NY) to KC was cancelled. So they spent the night walking around Times Square and Central! They got to the airport this morning for their 6am flight and found out that too was cancelled. So now they are on a flight to Washington DC, then to another city, they home by around 7pm tonight.
Keep your fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly, I want to see him tonight. It's been 13 days so far! :(
We'll all just stay tonight until he gets home!!!!
Update: They haven't even left NJ yet. Boooooo...
OK...he's in Washington DC right now! They are working on getting another flight to KC! Keep praying everyone!
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