
Wednesday Update

Sorry that it's been so long since I've posted anything craft related! (But you can see something at my family website http://www.therydenfamily.blogspot.com/.) In the picture below you can see the state of my craft room... so I have to work on cleaning this up before I can create anything! HA HA! And for you club members, this why we were creating in my kitchen last month! HA HA!

Here is another project that has been taking up some time in our house. We are in the process of painting our bathroom...don't you love the color?

And we we are ready to lay tile once we have access to a tile cutter!

And here is our baby room. It has (for now) become painting central! The ceiling is painted and we might get some color on the walls this weekend if we can't tile!

And in other news...1 of 3 pieces of the baby furniture arrived this week! The changing table is here and ready to be assembled after painting central is cleared out! YEAH! It's a busy time in our household!

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