
It's Monday! Yippie!

Well yesterday I totally cleaned and organized our bedroom! Now I feel like I can relax in there! I plan to do a few more rooms this week as well and then start working on the crawl space! I have to get that done before my belly gets too big to bend over!

So I've been at work this morning and I'm totally unmotivated to work! What else is new? So I spent most of the morning looking at my Google Reader! Have I mentioned how much I love Google Reader? I have so many blogs that I try to keep up with that it's so much easier with Google Reader. You just plug all of your blogs that you read in there and when the person updates, it shows you on your reader!

This morning I had like 30+ to read! Here is a list of some of the things that I loved:

* I love the bed that you can see in this post. I have been eyeing it at Ikea for a while now. I just love all of the furniture that goes along with it but the only thing I'm wondering is if the bed will be too low and get lost in our bedroom with the vaulted ceiling! What do you all think? Do you have Ikea bed...do you like them without the box spring? I emailed Emily and I hope to hear back from her soon!

* I love the use of velumn in this card.

* I love these photos. Her kids are so cute!

* And I love this blog in general and I'm glad that she's back to blogging after her move!

In other news...there are just a few more days left until I get to have my first sonogram! I'm so excited for October 1st! YEAH! (Let the shopping begin! HA HA!)

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