
Friday's 10 - Things To Do This Weekend

This Friday's post is all about my "to do" list this weekend:

#1 - Leave work in 45 minutes and go home to pack up my scrapbooking stuff! YEAH! I'm going to crop with my church buds tonight. It should be a fun time! I haven't scrapbooked with them in 2 months! I will miss you Jinny! I will also be creating a card for my challenge that I posted in my last blog entry!

#2 - Drive by Sonic on my way to church...I will need a Diet Cherry Limeade for this event that will last until midnight! (I wish I still drank caffeine! Darn!)

#3 - Clean up the clutter around the house on Saturday! It's seriously a pit! Hope to get up and get going on that in the morning hours.

#4 - Watch my netflix movie, Georgia Rule. I'm excited about it!

#5 - While I watch my movie I will be updating and buying music for my iPod!

#6 - Catch up on all of the TV that I have missed watching this week due to our new obession with playing RockBand!

#7 - Practice my mad drummin skillz on RockBand!

#8 - Going to the drive-in on Saturday night to see Wall-E and Kung Fu Panda. Kinda excited...I can't lie!!!

#9 - Watching the little kiddos in the nursery on Sunday morning after we attend service. Gotta love those little 1 year olds!

#10 - Make a cake for my Father-in-law's Birthday/Father's Day celebration on Sunday afternoon. Can't wait to go swimming in their pool!

So what are you doing this weekend?

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